Alle reviews

Kanna 10x Extract

 4/5 (99)

    Para animarte y despertarte, es como un café en efecto pero diferente! no te pases..

    I. A.

    Mood lifter
    It took a lot to insufflate, but i could feel the effect. Next time I will buy the nano kanna extreme

    J. S.

    Schmeckt beschissen. Wirkt stimmungsaufhellend, ist nicht mit denn (halb-)synthetischen Pülverchen die man sonst so durch die Nase zieht vergleichbar, was die Potenz angeht. Eher wie ein zwei Espresso zuviel Würde ich für den Preis wieder machen.

    Z. N.

    I quite like it
    It feels like a very mild and shortlisting mdma

    N. R.

    Realmente no noté efectos las primeras veces, hasta que consumí lo que me quedaba antes de entrar en el aeropuerto y el viaje en avión se me hizo la mar de agradable incluso con gente molesta a mi alrededor. Si no quieres sentirte afectado y que te mejore un poco el estado de ánimo quizás te funcione. No es lo mío.

    G. B.

    Che flash
    Un prodotto eccellente , complimenti Zamnesia !

    M. C.

    top kanna
    Ich ziehe das hier ab und zu ... dafür ziehe ich mir sonst nix mehr rein! ;)

    R. L.

    Godt produkt
    Sniffede ca. 100-150mg. Dejlig og tydelig effekt. Afslappende og en anelse bevidsthedsudvidende. Virkning varede ca. 1 time.

    A. M.

    Super produit !

    M. B.

    Lifts the mood
    Lifts the mood.

    S. P.

    Verrassend effectief. Het geeft een frisse (niet opgefokte) dosis energie en optimistisch, beetje eufoor gevoel.

    S. S.

    Pretty good effect
    Pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness but find it a bit sickly if I overindulge, that's a personal taste thing though. Customer service and delivery excellent as always

    M. O.

    Komisches Zeug
    Ich weiß nicht, ob Kokain genau so wirkt bzw. ähnlich ist. Jedoch muss ich sagen, dass es nicht wirklich meins ist. Ich fühle mich nach bereits einer kleinen Dosis leicht schwindelig aber dafür energetisiert. Für den Alltagsgebrauch nicht von Nöten

    E. G.

    Brilliant product for decent price
    I really recommend taking this intranasally. Gives a really nice euphoric buzz. One of the best natural highs I´ve experienced, obviously doesn´t compare to substances like mdma but a great high nontheless.

    H. A.

    J'adore.. c'est comme en Corse vous y allez une fois vous découvrer d'un coup l'objectif final de la suite de votre vie.. Je l'ai pris séparément ou agrémenté.. c'est très différent et je choisi en fonction de mon envie à ce moment là

    P. M.

    the high is nice but it isnt very strong alone, although it increases the effects of thc which can be very useful

    K. K.

    I took the whole g in one night .i Was really suprised how it worked... Today I feel like I tooked molly yesterday ... All together it was ok

    D. M.

    Habe mich langsam rangetastet, bin aber positiv Überrascht Kaufe ich sicher wieder.

    S. H.

    Spürbare Wirkung, ich finde Kratom aber besser

    K. S.

    Alles in Allem ganz OK

    J. L.

    It works
    I'm giving it 5 stars because it surely works and it's also quite cheap, even though I didn't like the effects. It surely made me feel energised, but also nervous! Like drinking too much coffee. I think I'm not buying it again, but it's still a good product

    M. F.

    Ottimo prodotto
    Mi piace molto il suo effetto rilassante

    F. C.

    Geweldig spul zég, i mean, leg een lijntje neer en na een halfuur begint de effecten op te komen. Het voelt echter ietwat als 2cb maar erg relaxed en euforisch zonder troep erin. Ik zou dit eerder gewoon thuis doen, als je buiten ben (wat je zelf wilt) ik was erg afgeleid door alles zonder dat ik het door had "ik had geen muziek op" xd. Voor de rest, het is niet eens verslavend wat beter is. Geen nadelen hierop.

    S. V.

    Very good feeling

    M. L.

    One of the best herbal stimulants
    Great extract of Kanna herb, with good potency and strong stimulating and mood enhancing effects. Worth it, if that's what you're looking for.

    D. J.

    Happily surprised
    I originally thought nothing of this extract, as i was expecting something with a caffeine-like effect (not really potent, with slight stim effect). But i did a small line of it and WOW. 10 min after snorting it, i felt great, head spinning really slightly (not unpleasant), and i was AWAKE like never. It lasted for an hour, and then the effects suddenly stopped, with no comedown. I was also sleeping like a baby 3h after this line, so it could be a great replacement for caffeine if you are prone to insomnia. Great product, but don't abuse it as it can give nausea on too high doses.

    H. P.

    Funziona la consiglio
    Sniffati 200mg effetto dopo circa 15 min, lo stesso effetto euforico e eccitante di un alta dose di caffeina compresa la sudorazione abbondante. Per quanto mi riguarda (peso 60kg) meno di 200mg ha poco effetto oltre non ho provato. Un buon prodotto che fa il suo dovere

    E. R.

    A very effective stimulant! Felt like drinking a strong energy drink, will definitely use this to my advantage when things get tiring!

    V. D.

    Sehr gute Quali
    Konstant bei allen Bestellungen sehr gute Qualität

    M. M.

    Medicine of awareness of happiness
    Love it. The tingling feeling of kanna that enhance you with a boost of awareness and releaseing happy feelings, without a dip (in the right amount of consumption of course) A great tool and medicine from mother earth. Works great when you are out dancing! But I may say, that I see different effects from person to person. I get euphoric, while others that I share it with, Some gets tired and drowsy from it. Wonder why!? So be aware of that, that it can have another effect on you!

    A. H.

    Sofortige Euphorie und bessere Laune, wirkt auf längere Sicht antidepressiv und verbessert meinen Allgemeinzustand.

    R. O.

    Powerful, top!

    N. L.

    Zu empfehlen
    Es hat wirklich eine Schöne Wirkung. Wenn ich es vergleichen würde, dann hat es Ähnlichkeiten mit MDMA, zumindest die Vibes davon. Am Anfang schlug es mir noch sehr auf den Magen. Aber beim zweiten Mal war es schon nicht mehr so doll. Wer einen kleinen MDMA Vibe erleben möchte, für den könnte es was sein. Mir gefällt es auf jeden Fall gut und ich werde es mir sicher wieder Bestellen. Zamnesia Hat wie immer sehr hervorragend funktioniert, immer wieder gern.

    R. B.

    Nice feeling of wel being, and increase of energy, like it alot

    S. D.

    I love this stuff
    The effect is really subtle but it really makes me not give a shit, great for me for partys, still stupid negative thoughts every now and then but they have no negative emotional impact. I take about 150 mg sublingually

    A. T.

    Don't expect crazy effect but it certainly lifts the mood and gives a nice fluffy feeling. No side effects with a regular dose.

    P. P.

    Went in not expecting too much yet thoroughly enjoyed having this. Am keen to try the stronger extracts now.

    R. C.

    Euphoria & Stimulation. I like it intranasal or as tea. Works fine in a joint too

    J. T.

    excellent produit jamais déçus par zamnesia

    A. P.

    Vraiment sympa
    C'est pas la première fois que j'en commande, je ne suis jamais déçu, moi qui ai souvent du mal à sentir les effets de ce genre de drogues qu'on trouve sur les smartshop, le kanna m'a toujours apporté des effets sympa en sniff. Un peu sédatif, ma vision devient un peu floue, sensation d'engourdissement général, une légère fatigue mais en même temps, bizarrement, ça m'aide à me concentrer, donc pour les personnes qui ont un trouble de l'attention, je vous conseille de tenter l'expérience. Quand j'en prends, d'un coup j'arrête de faire 10 choses en même temps, je me concentre sur une et j'arrive à rester concentré un moment, tout en y prenant du plaisir, c'est difficile à décrire. Ca fait un peu mal, je vous conseille de vous moucher et vous rincer le nez 5 minutes après la prise. Evitez de trop vous agiter ou de faire du sport après avoir prit du Kanna, ça pourrait vous donner la tête qui tourne.

    S. S.


    M. M.

    Skip your expectations, and enjoy
    If you are used to stronger substances, you might be in for a disappointment. It's all about expectation management. Also, Kanna might not have any effect at all in the first couple of tries – keep giving it a chance. And finally, anything below this 10x extract is likely a waste of money. And this? It's wonderful. I use it on occasions where others consume alcohol, which I don't do anymore. About 20 mg 10x bring me to their level. 50 mg equals a shot for me. Sadly repeated dosage hardly does anything for me. But the pleasant effects do last some time, and while sleep might be difficult, I always have an "anti-hangover" the next morning: awake and energetic. It's wonderful.

    F. B.

    Pas mal du tout
    Sympa pour se débarrasser de certaines mauvaises habitudes

    M. P.

    The 10x extract surprised me in a good way
    So I wasn't really expecting to get super High by this, and I wasn't, but it really brang out the nature of the drug,(I would say its an amazing feeling, relaxed and a bit stimulated) what Kanna powder couldn't. I'm really looking forward to taste the stronger extracts some day.

    D. B.

    Kanna 10x
    Jai essayé le kanna X10, je n'ai pas trop apprécié. Vu les avis, je ne pensais pas que cela me ferait de l'effet. Donc j'en ai pris 500 mg, je l'ai sniffé et 30 minutes après j'ai eu la nausée et je me suis sentie très mal. Puis l'effet s'est dissipé 1h après.

    S. B.

    Ottimo prodotto, gli effetti sono quelli che mi aspettavo.

    O. Z.

    Pas mal du tout
    Cela stimule en effet tout comme ça pose en même temps !

    C. M.

    No effect at all
    I first ingested 200 mg with chewing gum, waited one hour for an effect, then ingested 400 more, waited for another hour. Still no effect. It seems, I'm the kind of person for whom Kanna just does thing at all, for whatever reason.

    J. R.

    No Effect
    I have snorted, smoked, eaten and drank this extract with varying doses. I can safely say that so far I have had no effect at all. I'm going to try a dose of 100mg snorted tomorrow and see if it changes anything.

    K. N.

    No effect.
    Tried various different doses and methods of ingestion. No effect at all. Complete waste of money.

    R. M.
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