Da quando li ho provati le prendo ogni mese per farmi un fine settimana nel MIO MONDO interno. Li prendo secchi tritati con un po di limone sopra e bevi come shottino. Il gusto fa schifo ma il viaggio e stupendo. TOP
Très bien mais qu’une seule récolte
Kit très sympa, malheureusement il n’a produit qu’une seule récolte. Les instructions sont claires. J’avais acheté un tapis chauffant en plus.
Je commande souvent cette gamme de kit
La nouvelle est arrivée avec un bout de plastique dedans...
Mais sinon le reste du temps tout est parfait et fait de belles récoltes
Nach einer Woche sind die ersten kleinen Köpfe zu sehen. Bisher ist die Anwendung mega einfach und scheinbar auch effektiv.
Mal sehen was kommt
Die ersten Köpfe sind da, allerdings nur ein paar wenige an einer Seite. Bei dem Rest .... mh .... mal sehen, ob das noch was wird. Da es eine Weihnachtsaktion und daher gratis war, volle fünf Sterne.
Easy to use and lovely affects
I had no experience growing myself before, but I was suprised by how effortless this kit is and how well it works.
McKennai are by far my favorite type of shroom and I always had a very pleasant trip so far
Całkiem dobry produkt jest ok grzybki rosną jak grzyby polecam wszystkim ten produkt
Kit funghi
Da inesperto quale sono , i funghi sono andati subito a male
Zwei Wellen sind durch
Und jetzt warte ich auf weitere
Là encore l'équipe Zamnesia propose un kit très facile à gérer avec une production vraiment intéressante 27g sec en première récolte. La puissance en douceur de ces petits amis nous accompagne dans un magnifique voyage intérieur. Vraiment excellent merci !!!
Will Not Buy Again
I’ve had two attempts with this mushroom grow and both have been absolute rubbish.
Don’t waste your money !!
Sehr gut
War mein erster Grow mit 2 flushes, sehr einfach zu growen
Einfach nur schlecht
Hat kaum Ertrag geliefert. Nach 3 minimalen Flushes war die puste schon aus. Waren insgesamt aus allen 3 Ernten etwa 10g trocken. Sonst alles wie immer gemacht und Anleitung 1:1 befolgt. Die Zamnesia Growkits sind meiner Erfahrung nach besser.
Thus product has very good yield and I could get 3 flushes up to know and hopping to get more
The growing is pretty different from other I used before. They grow massively and very fast but they are much skinny then others when dried. The effects are very strong!
im 2 wochen pilze da
Sind Sehr schnell und gut gewachsen sehr kräftige wirkung hab die kenaii unterschätzt aber war ein krasses Erlebnis kann ich jedem ans herz legen ausserdem konnte ich erfolgreich es mit servoplatten nährboden agar züchten das myzell wächst gut
1st time grower
Managed 19g total (dried) on my first attempt. Got 2 good flushes, but I reckon I could have got more if I'd followed the instructions more carefully! Incredible product, cheers
La qualità elevata di questi kit fa si che quando ne esaurisci uno ne vuoi subito comprare un altro :) ho fatto un raccolto abbondante e non vedo l’ora di provarli, grazie zamnesia
Bella scoperta
Raccolto abbondantissimo. Confermo la potenza e le forti tendenze filosofico/spirituali. Rende molto e ne bastano pochissimi.
Sehr gut
Nach 2 wochen fertig ca 10g trocken pro kit
Shrooms McKennaii
Erster Lauf hat teilweise funktioniert 12G trocken zweiten Run Verkackt leider aber Herz geht raus an Zamnesia wäre mega cool wenn nen Video übers Grown von Shrooms kommen würde
Very easy to grow, 4+ flushes
not powerful, but an introduction
Wie immer perfekt- bin gespannt was bei rauskommt
Sieht , jetzt schon gut aus.
Das erste Mal 🤣
Joyeux Noêl
Un bon cadeau incontournable :-)
Loads in the 1st flush
Just harvested 195g in the 1st flush. Still havent tried them, but I've grown and had other varieties purchased from Zamnesia, and they were all great. The substrate was delivered within a week and I kept it in the fridge for another week because I couldn't grow them straight away, but this didn't seem to affect them. I use Zamnesia's heating mat, which I recommend. I'll just add that different types have different growing procedures, so make sure you read the instructions for the verity you buy.
Really health grew quick always great products great customer service
first flush was small
This is my 3rd time growing and I was disappointed as the first harvest was only 90g wet and around 8g dry
Considering in another kit I got around 230g wet .. I’d recommend buying the golden teachers as they produce more and are more potent in my opinion
Out of the box
Grew out of the box without watering like a charm in my self-made Monotub. Really fine, but not as much as expected.
Beau 1er flush
Bon premier flush… après par contre c’est01/ aussi productif pour les suivants. Voir plus du tout… à voir sur les prochains. Très bon service client qui remplace les kit si défectueux.
Forse sfortuna
Il kit Golden Teacher mi ha regalato emozioni stupende e due raccolti, questo invece mi ha dato funghi di scarsa potenza (rispetto ai GT ne ho presi di più e non ho vissuto nulla di simile a quel trip), Oltretutto il secondo raccolto decisamente scarsissimo :( peccato. Ne ho comprato un altro, speriamo bene...
Just started
Love how easy it is to setul
Schnelle Lieferung. Gute Qualität
Super Pilze
Lieferung war schnell. Alles nach Anleitung gemacht, einfacher geht's glaub ich nicht. 3 Flushs mit etwa 23g Ausbeute.
Reise phänomenal !!! 🤗
Fürs erste mal kinderleicht! Wir hatten ein tolles Silvester
McKenaii Fresh mushrooms
Loving these so far,first flush 206g wet jus waiting on 2nd flush now,pins jus started appearing again,already have my 2nd kit on its way n many more to come!!! ,trippy days everyone u wont regret it 🤯🤪
It gets the job done
beste shrooms nach copelandia
nr.2 nach copelandia!
For a fun and silly experience
I will NEVER write a bad review for Zamnesia.
Their customer service is always excellent and I dare you to find a single customer who hasn’t been treated well!
The McKennas are a wonderful strain. Not only did I get three monstrous flushes, but the trip itself is serene. I use them when I’m with friends, it’s a very comfortable and pleasant body feeling and a slight shift in perspective. Nothing too intense or spiritual. They’re just perfect for a good time, best spent with friends.
Thank you, Zamnesia, for the great work you are doing!
Première récolte en 9 jours
J'ai pas encore testé mais ma première récolte était prête en 9 jours tout compris même si je n'en ai pas eu beaucoup ce qui est très rapide ! Par contre j'enlève une étoile car le sac fuit sur les côté quand on met de l'eau dedans, et j'ai vue sur les avis que je ne suis pas la seule à dire ça, c'est problématique (et en + le sac est un peu trop petit), mais sinon le reste est bien. 4/5 j'espère que j'aurais un 2ème flush
Classique incontournable
Pousse efficacement, effet puissant et rapide, jaime cette souche de champignons !!
Einfach super
Coltivazione super facile, effetti blandi
Do 5 stelle a prescindere al customer service, perché con il 3x2 di settembre avevo preso con un'amica 3 kit di Supa Grow B+ e, in due appartamenti diversi, rispettando le istruzioni, non era venuto fuori niente. Zamnesia ha riconosciuto che erano kit fallati e ci ha offerto un voucher a prezzo pieno come rimborso. Con questo ho preso un kit McKennai fresh e un McKennai (l'amica ha deciso che il terzo kit-rimborso lo prende in primavera). Il fresh dà gran soddisfazioni, perché serve davvero pochissimo tempo. Primo raccolto dopo 8 giorni, secondo - già più scarso - addirittura dopo 4-5. Terzo raccolto solo un paio di funghi, ma è normale che la produzione vada a calare, soprattutto perché il velo si apre se solo temporeggi un po'! In quanto agli effetti: so che è tutto soggettivo, ma con la quantità "dose normale" suggerita dal calcolatore proprio niente di psichedelico. Un po' di alterazione - comunque benessere - ma niente di più. Al prossimo giro provo con una dose più forte. Mi piacerebbe sapere come fa la gente a raccogliere 15-20 (addirittura 30!) grammi secchi da un solo kit, perché io sono arrivata a poco più di 20g con due kit. Forse il trucco è raccogliere tutto quando sono alti non più di un pollice? Perché ho notato che per alcuni il velo si strappa molto presto.
Très bien !
Super produit, a essayer !
5 flushes no problems. Perfect for non experienced or first time grower. Easy to grow, hassle free grow kit. Thank you Zamnesia.
Très bien
Muy buena tirada
Although at first (first 2 weeks) they did not grow at all, they did so at the third week, in a matter of 2-3 days. The result is a lot of sturdy, huge mckenaii with big heads. Good and generous harvests. Intense, very pleasant and revealing effects at least in my case. I would repeat with this variety, they are very good quality!
easy growsets, dreimal reaktiviert, sehr lecker. 10 gramm frisch haben schon eine milde wirkung bei 100 kilo eigengewicht. habe immer schön desinfiziert und Handschuhe sowie PF2 Maske getragen - klare Empfehlung
Super produit avec un rendement très intéressant mais la moindre erreest fatale ....